Stanford Trustworthy AI Research

Ahmed M. Ahmed, from Salisbury, Maryland, is pursuing a PhD in computer science at Stanford School of Engineering. He earned his bachelor’s degree with honors in mathematical and computational science, and a master’s in computer science with research distinction at Stanford. Ahmed is interested in the development of adaptive agents for social good, and has published in artificial intelligence conferences such as the International Conference on Learning Representations, and Robotics: Science and Systems. Galvanized by the struggles of his background, he led outreach efforts to historically underrepresented and first-generation low-income students in STEM as an executive member of the Society of Black Scientists and Engineers, and through CURIS, the Stanford CS department’s Research Experiences for Undergraduates program. He previously interned at Google and Microsoft Research, and was awarded the Horatio Alger Scholarship and National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship. In his free time, Ahmed enjoys playing the drum kit and weight lifting.

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